06/26/13 The C litter. 2 Boys & 2 Girls! |
06/10/13 IABCA Antioch, CA. 4 BOB, BIS Family, BIS Rare Breed Adult, 2 BIS Veteran, 2 Reserve BIS Veteran, 3 BIS Multi-Gold Cup Wins, 1 Group II and 2 Group III! Thank you Linda for your help. |
04/25/11 The B litter is 5 weeks old. Yes, one is hiding behind! |
03/22/11: We have PUPPIES! Jacy delivered 8 puppies during the night of 03/21/11. We haven’t gotten much sleep, but we are exited about this litter. Remember the TV show…’Eight Is Enough’? |
02/14/11 Happy Valentines Day, With Love and Cuddles from Kennel de la Luna! |
Go to see: Congratulations Ozzy with the final 2010 year end ranking # 3 in the United States All Breed Gold Cup, Juicy is ranked # 40, good work! |
01/08-09/11 Congratulations Savage on three Group III with twelve competitors. Also, congratulations on Reserve Best In Show Rare Breed with nine competitors. |
01/09/11 Congratulations Ozzy, Juicy, Aries and Astarte on IABCA Best In Show Breeders’ Group with SIX COMPETITORS! Thanks to my In-Laws, without your help, it wouldn’t have happened 🙂 |
12/14/10 Merry Christmas to all! |
11/6 & 7/10 Congratulations Savage on earning his F.B.A. CYC Youth Championship. |
11/6 & 7/10 Kennel de la Luna cumulative awards won at the F.B.A. Fall Specialty |
11/6 & 7/10 Congratulations Astarte on winning two classes and earning 2 CYC Youth Champion Points at the FBA 2010 Fall Circuit! |
11/6 & 7/10 Congratulations Aries on winning two classes and earning Best of Opposite Sex Puppy Sweepstakes and 2 CYC Youth Champion Points at the FBA 2010 Fall Circuit! |
11/6 & 7/10 Congratulations Aeros on winning two classes and earning 2 CYC Youth Champion Points at the FBA 2010 Fall Circuit! |
11/6 & 7/10 Aeros and Aries participate and win the Brace competion at the FBA 2010 Fall Circuit. |
11/6 & 7/10 Kennel de la Luna participates and wins two Team competions at the FBA 2010 Fall Circuit. |
Go to see: Congratulations Ozzy ranking # 2 in the United States All Breed Gold Cup, Juicy is ranked # 31, keep up the good work! |
09/25 & 26/10 Congratulations Ozzy reaching the highest title available in IABCA! He also won Gold Cup Reserve and from a field of 15 competitors! He won BIS Reserve Rare Breed and Ozzy, Juicy, Aeros, Aries and Astarte won BIS Breeder’s Group!! |
09/25 & 26/10 Congratulations Intl./Ntl. BA JU.a JA Aries de la Luna on the multiple wins BIS Rare Breed, BIS Puppy, BIS Bred By Puppy!! |
09/25/10 Great showing of Filas at the IABCA Antioch show, let’s keep growing, supporting and teaching! |
![]() 08/20 & 21/10 Congratulations ARBA Grand CH./IABCA WSCSg. CH-G Unifila Serras de Minas Ossanga CGC on Gold Cup Reserve and from a field of 10 competitors! Ozzy, Aries and Astarte won BIS Breeder’s Group!! 1X Group I and 2X Group II! |
![]() 08/20 & 21/10 Congratulations IABCA Intl./Ntl. BA Ju.A JA CH. Unifila Serras de Minas Sae on BIS Puppy, BIS Rare Breed Puppy, Group I wins. |
![]() 08/20 & 21/10 Congratulations IABCA Intl./Ntl. BA Ju.A JA CH. Aries de la Luna 2x BIS Bred by Puppy, Reserve BIS Puppy and with 10 competitors, BIS Breeders’ Group with Ozzy & Astarte! |
![]() 08/20 & 21/10 Congratulations IABCA Intl./Ntl. BA Ju.A JA CH. Astarte de la Luna CGC BIS Bred by Puppy and with 10 competitors, BIS Breeders’ Group with Ozzy & Astarte! |
07/20/10 Congratulations IABCA Intl./Ntl. BA Ju.A JA CH. Unifila Serras de Minas Sae on completing Beginner Obedience at Hundeausbildung Dog Training |
Go to see: Congratulations ARBA Grand CH./IABCA WSCHg. CH. Unifila Serras de Minas Ossanga CGC for being ranked I.A.B.C.A. Gold Cup 2010 # 2 of the top 30 All Breed in the United States, keep up the good work!Watch for ARBA Grand CH./IABCA WSCH CH. Jacy Guardiaes do Caracu CGC ranked I.A.B.C.A. Gold Cup 2010 # 27 of the top 30 All Breed in the United States, come on honey let’s show them what you have! |
06/20/10 Congratulations IABCA Intl./Ntl. BA Ju.A JA CH. Unifila Serras de Minas Sae on 1st Place Fila Beginner Obedience at the FBA Spring Fling 2010 |
06/20/10 Congratulations Tracy & Abram (Aeros de la Luna from our “A” Litter) on 2nd Place Fila Beginner Obedience at the FBA Spring Fling 2010 |
06/19/10 Congratulations on winning Best of Breed IABCA Intl./Ntl. CH. Chica de la Luna Cerro do Huinouri TT and Best of Opposite Sex ARBA Grand CH./IABCA WSCHg. CH. Unifila Serras de Minas Ossanga CGC at the FBA Spring Fling 2010 |
06/19/10 Congratulations on winning Best of Breed IABCA Intl./Ntl. BA Ju.A CH. Aries de la Luna at the FBA Spring Fling 2010 |
06/19/10 Congratulations on winning Best of Opposite Sex IABCA Intl./Ntl. BA Ju.A CH. Astarte de la Luna at the FBA Spring Fling 2010 |
06/19/10 Congratulations on obtaining your A.K.C. C.G.C. IABCA Intl./Ntl. BA Ju.A CH. Astarte de la Luna at the FBA Spring Fling 2010 |
06/12 & 13/10 Congratulations ARBA Grand CH./IABCA WSCHg. CH. Unifila Serras de Minas Ossanga CGC on the Specialty Match BOB, BIS Gold Cup Reserve, BIS Rare Breed |
06/12 & 13/10 Congratulations IABCA Intl./Ntl. BA Ju.A JA CH. Unifila Serras de Minas Sae on the Group Wins |
06/12 & 13/10 Congratulations IABCA Intl./Ntl. BA Ju.A CH. Astarte de la Luna CGC on the BIS Bred By Puppy |
![]() Aries BIS Rare Breed Puppy, Specialty Match BOB Puppy, BOB Bred By Puppy, BOB Baby IABCA, St. Helens 06/12 & 13/10 06/12 & 13/10 Congratulations IABCA Intl./Ntl. BA Ju.A CH. Aries de la Luna on the BIS Rare Breed Puppy, BOB Bred by Puppy, BOB Baby |
04/24 & 25/10 Congratulations Ozzy and Juicy BIS Breeders’ Group, Congratulations Ozzy BIS Rare Breed |
04/24 & 25/10 Congratulations Astarte de la Luna on multiple wins! BIS Bred By Puppy |
04/25/10 Go to to see Aries de la Luna and Trevor on TV! |
04/17 & 18/10 Congratulations Juicy on BIS Gold Cup Runner Up and BIS Breeders’ Group |
04/17 & 18/10 Congratulations Ozzy on BIS Gold Cup and BIS Breeders’ Group |
04/17 & 18/10 Congratulations Aries de la Luna on Group III and BIS Breeders Group |
04/17 & 18/10 Congratulations Astarte de la Luna on Group II and BIS Breeders’ Group |
04/17 & 18/10 Congratulations Savage on Group III |
04/17 & 18/10 Congratulations Abram (IABCA Ntl./Intl. BA CH Aeros de la Luna) from our “A” Litter on Group II and National/International Championship |
04/04/10 HAPPY EASTER from Kennel de la Luna! |
04/03/10 Congratulations Aries de la Luna on multiple wins! BIS Bred By Puppy & BIS Puppy |
04/03 & 04/10 Congratulations Ozzy on multiple wins! BIS Gold Cup, BIS Rare Breed Adult, Group II, Group III |
04-03-10 Congratulations Abram BOB Puppy, From our “A” Litter |
04-03-10 Congratulations Astarte de la Luna, BIS Bred By Reserve |
01-09 & 10-10 Congratulations Ozzy on Group II, BIS Rare Breed and Gold Cup BIS Reserve |
01-09 & 10-10 Congratulations Savage on Group II and Group III |
01-31-09 MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR from Kennel De La Luna! We wish for all the best to find your way. |
11/27/09: We have PUPPIES! Jacy delivered 7 puppies during the night of Thanksgiving. We haven’t gotten much sleep, but we are exited about this litter. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. |
11/14 & 15/09: We had a great vacation and the FBA Fall Circuit Show was great. The hospitality of everyone we met was first class, and what a collection off fine Fila’s. Thank you to all that was at the Show. It was the highlight of our vacation. |
11/14/09: Congratulations to Savage for BIS Puppy at the FBA 72nd Fall Circuit. |
11/14/09: Congratulations to Ozzy and Juicy for BIS Brace at the FBA 72nd Fall Circuit. |
11/14/09: Congratulations to Juicy, Chica, Ozzy and Savage for FBA 72nd Team Award. |
11/14/09: Congratulations to Savage for BIS Puppy Sweepstakes at the FBA 71st Fall Circuit. |
11/14/09: Congratulations to Savage for BIS Puppy at the FBA 70th Fall Circuit. |
11/14/09: Congratulations to Ozzy and Juicy for BIS Brace at the FBA 70th Fall Circuit. |
11/14/09: Congratulations to Juicy, Chica, Ozzy and Savage for BIS Team at the FBA 70th Fall Circuit. |
11/14/09: Congratulations to Chica for another Excellent TT performance at the FBA 70th Fall Circuit. |
04-08 Congratulations Juicy on your first IABCA Group I Puppy LA |
04-08 Congratulations Juicy on your first IABCA Group I Puppy LA |
04-08 Congratulations Juicy on your first IABCA Group I Puppy LA |
04-08 Congratulations Juicy on your first IABCA Group I Puppy LA |
04-08 Congratulations Juicy on your first IABCA Group I Puppy LA |
04-08 Congratulations Juicy on your first IABCA Group I Puppy LA |
04-08 Congratulations Juicy on your first IABCA Group I Puppy LA |